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Wild Beast (ID: 400409)

De New Academy Wiki
Wild Beast Image Description: Reduces damage from normal and boss monsters by 20%.

For every refine level,
Increases physical and magical damage for all attribute monsters by 3%.
When using Gray Wolf Suit, Gray Wolf Manteau, and Gray Wolf Boots.
reduces damage taken from Ghost property by 20%.
Immune to Freeze.
When using Gray Wolf Robe, Gray Wolf Muffler, and Gray Wolf Shoes,
reduces damage taken from Ghost property by 20%.
Immune to Freeze.
When using Gray Wolf Pendant, ATK +15%.
When using Gray Wolf Ring, ATK +15%.
When using Gray Wolf Earring, MATK +15%.
When using Gray Wolf Necklace, MATK +15%.
When using Wolf Orb (STR) Level 1, STR +15.
When using Wolf Orb (AGI) Level 1, AGI +15.
When using Wolf Orb (VIT) Level 1, VIT +15.
When using Wolf Orb (INT) Level 1, INT +15.
When using Wolf Orb (DEX) Level 1, DEX +15.
When using Wolf Orb (STR) Level 2, POW +15.
When using Wolf Orb (VIT) Level 2, STA +15.
When using Wolf Orb (AGI) Level 2, WIS +15.
When using Wolf Orb (INT) Level 2, SPL +15.
When using Wolf Orb (DEX) Level 2, CON +15.
When using Wolf Orb (DEF) Level 1, DEF +300.
When using Wolf Orb (MDEF) Level 1, MDEF +30.
When using Wolf Orb (Speed) Level 2, MHP and MSP +10%.
When using Wolf Orb (Speed) Level 1, ASPD +10%.
When using Wolf Orb (Caster) Level 1,
reduces variable casting time by 15%.
When using Wolf Orb (After Cast Delay),
reduces global cooldown by 15%.
When using Wolf Orb (Robust) Level 1,
for every base level, ATK +1.(Up to level 250)
When using Wolf Orb (Robust) Level 2,
for every base level, MATK +1.(Up to level 250)
When using Wolf Orb (Warrior) Level 2,
Ignore physical defense of all races enemies (including players) by 50%.
When using Wolf Orb (Mage) Level 2,
Ignore magical defense of all races enemies (including players) by 50%.
When using Wolf Orb (Caster) Level 2, MHP and MSP +10%.
When using Wolf Orb (Fixed Casting) Level 1,
reduce fixed casting time by 70%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Upper
Weight : 80
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs
                   Item pode ser comprado na Loja de BioLab