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Valkyrie Drop 1 (ID: 28564)

De New Academy Wiki
Valkyrie Drop [1] Image Description: Crystallized teardrops of a Valkyrie who mourned for the death of a comrade. The drop possesses divine powers.
Class: ^808080Accessory^000000
Weight: ^80808030^000000
Requires Level: ^808080100^000000
SP Recovery + 50%
Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 10%.
Reduces the variable casting time of ^0000FFOratio^000000 by 50%.
Reduces the fixed casting time of ^0000FFOratio^000000 by 100%.
Reduces the cast delay of skills by 5%.
Increases magical damage on Small, Medium and Large size targets by 3% per level of ^0000FFImpositio Manus^000000 known.
Enables ^0000FFLevel 2 Odin's Power^000000, if ^0000FFImpositio Manus^000000 is at maximum level.
Increases the damage of ^0000FFMagnus Exorcismus^000000 by 3% for every 2 base levels.
       Item pode ser comprado na Loja de BioLab