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Classic Dungeon Teleport 1 10 Box (ID: 19111)

De New Academy Wiki
Classic Dungeon Teleport 1 10 Box Image Description: ^00CC00A Tradable Box that contains 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll 1s^000000
A scroll on which
many dungeon map
coordinates have
been recorded.
If you tear it up,
it can transport you
once to Nogg Road,
Mjolnir Dead Pit,
Payon Dungeon, Toy
Dungeon, Glast Heim
Dungeon, Hermit's
Checkers, Izlude
Dungeon, Turtle
Island Dungeon,
Clock Tower B3F,
Clock Tower 3F,
Glast Heim Culvert 2F,
Sphinx Dungeon 4F,
Inside Pyramid 4F,
Prontera Culvert 3F,
Amatsu Dungeon 1F
(Tatami Maze),
Ancient Shrine 2F.
Warning - After using it, unless you choose the destination in 1 minute,
it will be useless.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
       Item pode ser comprado na Loja de BioLab